How to Keep Flowers Fresh
When you receive or purchase some flowers, you want to ensure they last as long as possible.
Here are some tips to help make them last longer
Choose the right kind of container
Always provide flowers with a clean vase free from any residue or leftover detergent. Lighter, more fragile cut flowers belong in a taller vase to help support their stems whereas we suggest cutting heavy blooms short, and place them in a low vase where they'll have extra room to spread out.
Give Them A Snip
Use a sharp, non-serrated knife or gardening snips/secateurs to cut around 3cm off the bottom of the stems at a 45-degree angle. Cutting on the 45-degree angle increases the surface area and allows for greater water flow.

Place Them in Water Quickly
It's okay to put the flowers in a vase of water right after you make the cut. Arrange your bouquet first, then cut the stems and put them in water.
Watch the Temperature
It is best to go for room-temperature water when filling your vase at home.
Also consider where in the house you are displaying your blooms. Best to keep them in cooler areas and out of direct sunlight so they keep as cool and calm as possible.
Remove Below-Water Foliage
Any plant leaves and flowers you leave in the vase water will rot quickly, which will spread bacteria that will kill your flowers before their time. Measure your flowers against your vase and water level and remove any leaves that will sit in the water.
Change the Water Regularly
As bacteria does grow in flower water, it is best to change the flowers at least every three days.
It may sound a little crazy and counterintuitive, but freshly cut flowers will last longer if you add 1/4 teaspoon bleach per 1 litre of vase water. Another popular recipe calls for 3 drops bleach and 1 teaspoon sugar in 1 litre of water. This will also keep the water from getting cloudy and inhibit the growth of bacteria.

Make Your Own Flower Food
Those little packets that come with many floral arrangements help to keep flowers fresh because they contain sugar to provide a little nourishment; citric acid to keep the pH low and acidic, which helps water move up the stems a bit faster and may reduce wilting; as well as antibacterial powder.
You can make your own flower food each time you change the water or before you give the stems a cut.
Here's how: Mix together a few drops of bleach or a clear spirit such as vodka or gin to help fight bacterial growth, add a few drops of clear soda or superfine sugar to feed the flowers, and then crush a vitamin C tablet and add it to lower the pH.
Check on your flowers regularly
Continue to check your flowers daily and remove any dead or loose leaves and petals, which could cause bacterial rot. Check the water is still clear and change if needed.